Prisons Social control and repression

Addresses of the Five of Barcelona

Some of the FIES restrictions have been lifted and comrades are finally able to receive letters. However, they will most likely be monitored so we recommend prudence in the content. Comrades have written some texts that will be translated as soon as possible.

Silvia Muñoz Layunta
NIS 2010012388
CP Madrid VII Estremera
Ctra. M-241 km 5,750
28595 Estremera, Madrid, Spain

Jose Carlos Recio Minguez
NIS 2000003209
CP Madrid VI, Aranjuez
Ctra N-400 km 28
28300 Aranjuez. Madrid, Spain

Juan José Garrido Marcos
NIS 2013009086
CP Madrid II, Alcala de Henares
Ctra Alcala-Meco km 5
28805 Alcala de Henares, Spain

Yolanda Fernández Fernández
NIS 2013009039
CP Avila, Brieva
Ctra. de Vicolozano
05194 Brieva (Ávila), Spain

Xabier González Sola
NIS 9226970300
CP Madrid IV (Navalcarnero)
Ctra. N-V, km. 27.728600
Navalcarnero, Madrid, Spain

Prisons Social control and repression

Solidarity poster with Amadeu Casellas

Take off your hands from Amadeu’s life

“The struggle must go on and we people should not give up. Day after day struggle and going on no matter what happens. If you don’t give up you can win, if you give up you have already lost. It’s worth to keep on fighting” – Amadeu Casellas, 2010


Amadeu Casellas was kidnapped inside the State’s prisons for 24 years, eight of them served illegaly as the State itself admitted. His stance of resistance and denunciation (tortures, prison corruption…) had a lot to do with it. After his release in march 2010, the nightmare comes back now two years later with the surrealistic orders he has received this month in order to serve a 3 years sentence. The State wasn’t satisfied enough with jailing our comrade for decades, and now wants to do so again. They want him captive, in silence and subordinated but we won’t let them play with his freedom once again. For the destruction of prisons!



Prisons Social control and repression

Amadeu Casellas faces jail once again

On July 2, Amadeu Casellas is notified to present himself to the court of Barcelona, and once there he is told to have 10 days to enter the Manresa prison in order to serve a 3 years sentence. An appeal is requested to deduct these 3 years from the 8 years that the “injustice” of the state owes him and that the state institutions themselves had recognized after a hard period of struggle.

After visiting the Penitentiary Surveillance court, the jail of Manresa and holding different meetings, in order to change this “illogical” situation, he is told his appeal cannot be “attended” as he hasn’t entered jail yet and has no “jail record”, while they promise him to fastly attend his situation once he is inside.

The shamelessness of telling a person to re-enter prison just to check his “jail record”, after jailing that person and kidnapping him for eight long years, can only come a sickening and avenging state.

Obviously, a dissatisfied Amadeu kept on fighting for his freedom, and after several meetings with the General Secretariat of Prisons of Catalonia, two years and eight months are deducted, but they are unable to overturn the order of entering jail and offer him a Third Degree status, which apparently allows inmates to spend eight hours of the day in freedom.

The following step was the court of Barcelona again, where the president cancelled the order given for July 12, although all the bureaucracy in different courts was still pending before being sure the sentence is completely overturned .

Now, Amadeu has been told again he has to enter prison on August 2. Unbelievable but true! If it wasn’t true, it could even look like some kind of sick joke, but it is the harsh reality of the bourgeois law, its extermination centers and its “calculation mistakes”, which required up to three hunger strikes for them to take the decision to start counting the years Amadeu had to actually serve.

We know that during August and early September it will be difficult to handle any issue related with the bourgeois legal bureaucracy, so in case he was finally jailed, Amadeu will be exposed to any kind of manipulation, provocation, set-up, etc. which will only make his release harder.

Now it’s the time to fight again against the beast, to fight with our best weapon: solidarity.

Amadeu Casellas Ramón is not alone, your freedom is ours, his struggle is ours. His choice has never been to be silent, neither ours.






For those wishing to know about Amadeu Casellas past struggle: Amadeu Casellas is Free!!!