Antifascism Social control and repression

Clashes between antifascists and police in Bilbo, one arrested and injured in Barcelona

An antifascist gathering had been called today in Bilbao against the presence of a group of fascists from the Falange party who had arrived from Madrid to protest in the centre of the Basque city coinciding with with the Day of the Hispanity. Police prevented antifascists from gathering, who had previously announced a non-confrontional event, and used batons and rubber bullets to disperse the crowd, which was numbering in hundreds. Clashes then started between antifascists and police, and barricades were erected around the town’s centre. At least 14 antifascists have been arrested. One fascist was arrested too by police, which seized several baseball bats and knuckles from the fascists’ buses.

In Barcelona, 200 antifascists gathered in a nearby square from where right wing militants and fascists were holding a demonstration in favour of the unity of the spanish state and against the right of selfdetermination. After the start of the gathering, a person carrying a Spanish flag tried to get in the middle of the antifascists and police charged against them, injuring one of them. The antifascist was taken to the hospital, where he was arrested by cops. Dozens of people gathered outside the hospital. A small antifascist gathering was organised too in the catalan town of Girona.

Two videos from the clashes in Bilbao [1], [2]

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Crisis Labour Social control and repression

Clashes and barricades in Madrid after anti-austerity protests [Updated with video]

Thousands of people, led by the yellow CCOO and UGT trade unions, marched yesterday in many cities around the Spanish state to protest against the new austerity measures imposed by the EU, IMF and ECB troika’s bailout memorandum. At the end of Madrid’s demonstration, hundreds of protesters gathered outside the Parliament building, where firemen made a cordon in front of riot police to prevent clashes from happening. Nonetheless, police hit protesters, arrested a firemen but failed to disperse the crowd, which was already exceeding the thousands.

Once firemen had left the place, cops managed to disperse the people by firing blanks and using batons. Suddenly, dozens of burning barricades were put up around the city’s centre, while cops kept chasing people in the surrounding streets. Clashes in the Lavapiés neighbourhood lasted until 2:00am. At least 15 people were arrested and 40 injured. One person was arrested in Barcelona for supposedly throwing bottles against cops.

Ed. note: we will not report neither promote protests by the state-owned trade unions CCOO and UGT, but we thought it was interesting enough to write about the clashes afterwards and how the unions’ controlled and monitored demonstrations were once again exceeded by the anger of many protesters.


Night battle between miners and cops in Bembibre

Clashes broke out yesterday between striking miners and cops near the town of Bembibre (Llión province). Late afternoon, miners blocked the A6 state highway, setting up barricades made of burning tires and knocking over several trucks. At 10:30pm, miners fired homemade rockets and shot rocks from slingshots at riot police, who had just arrived. Clashes lasted half an hour, and cops entered later the town in the search of miners. Three of them were arrested.

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